How to Make the Workplace More Inclusive

New employees, especially employees with disabilities, sometimes need a boost learning the ropes on a new jobsite, especially when it’s their first job. When employees enter the workforce, they may find it hard to mix in with a variety of ages and personalities in the workplace; if they don’t fit in, they can get set up by the other employees and end up losing their job for mistakes due to not being supported by co-workers.

Provide accommodations discreetly 

This Forbes article provides tips to help make the workplace more welcoming. One tip is to provide accommodations as discreetly as possible, which is precisely what an app like Smart Steps Mobile can do.

Here’s an illustration. A coordinator for a volunteer program at a local hospital recalled situations in which young volunteers lacked initiative when a family asked for help with directions. She wanted her volunteers to lead the family to someone who could help instead of shrugging and turning away. Another example was from the breakroom: some volunteers helped themselves to food in the breakroom, even if it was covered up to be used for a party later on. A third example was in decision-making. She wished that her volunteers would point out when the wheels on children’s wagons or toys needed repair.

Smart Steps Mobile Offers Step-by-Step Prompting

The Smart Steps Mobile app provides step-by-step prompting for specific questions or situations. For example, if someone asks the worker a question, the worker refers to the decision tree named “I Have a Question at Work”. The free app offers options and suggested scripting or other tips, while the paid version allows the worker (or the business) to customize the text.

choices with tips at the bottom of the screen
More choices and tips
List of decision trees
Home Screen
list of options
Choices provided

If the worker decides that they need more help beyond the prompts, they use a help button. The help button opens up a list of contacts, which can include a variety of personalized resources for the individual and for the business. The worker chooses who to contact via text or phone call and gets the immediate help they need.

list of contacts
Contact Screen

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